23 November, 2008

Affiliate Marketing vs MLM and Pyramid Schemes...

Let's talk a little about the difference between Affiliate Maketing, MLM ( Multi-Level Marketing) and Pyramid Schemes. If you're just beginning your online career, it's maybe confusing in the begining, so I decided that it would be useful to know more about tem, so you will be able to recognise them and not lose your time with any scam.

First of all, I have to say that MLM is not something I do, it's not something you will find in this blog. I'm an Affiliate Marketer and the difference is huge. In Multi-Level Marketing, you have a product, which is being pushed through multiple levels. You earn money by selling this product, but you also earn when you recruit people to sign up for the same program and sell this product. This continues again and again, multiple levels deep. Still sounds good but keep on reading.

What about Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate Marketing, explained simple is when you sign up with a company , you get your affiliate links to promote a product and every time the product is purchased through your affiliate links, you get paid a comission. And this is it. You promote a PRODUCT, you don't try to sign up people, who will sign up other people and so on... You just promote a product. You focuse on products you like, you promote them through your affiliate links and earn a comission. That's it.

The confusing part actually comes with the 2-tier Affiliate Programs. In this case, you earn a comission from your sales, you sign up people to promote the same product, and earn from their sales, but it stops here. It doesn't continue multiple levels, it's only 2. So, don't confuse 2-ties affiliate marketing programs with MLM, they're diffrent.

Why do I prefer Affiliate Marketing? Well, it's a lot more friendly, a lot more focused on a product, and actually -a lot more profitable. The worst about MLM, is that there are so many programs out there claiming to be MLM, as they are actually not. To be an MLM, a program have to have a product, a quality product to push through multiple levels. Most of the claiming to be MLM programs are Pyramid Schemes, and this is definetelly what you don't want to be involved in.

How to recognize a Puramid Scheme? It's really easy... You've probably seen many of them. Just look for a product, if you can't find what exactly the product is, it's a pyramid scheme. Haven't you seen all these really long web pages, where someone tells you that you can earn thousands and thousand of dollars, tells you about there story, shows you their bank account balance with the thousands of dolars in there... They NEVER tell you specificlly what the product is and how it works. They tell you that you will make a lot of money, without telling you HOW you to do this, what product you to promote... and the truth is that there is NOT a product, there is a pyramid scam, which only purpose is to take your money, then make you try to take someone elses money... and so on. There's no product, there's just a scam... and it's definetelly not MLM.

Just keep this in mind the next time you try to "get rich quick"...

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